lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

Persigue Tus Objetivos

To conceal means "to keep a secret or issue from others" You would have achieved more in this life if you learned earlier to conceal. Do not even dire to tell anyone your plans until they are 98% fulfilled. So many things have happened to me since I became accountable in life. When I finished high School, I wanted to undergo a professional course in the maritime field. When I revealed this to my family, 80% of my nuclear family has a phobia for the water. They bluntly refused and turned the plan down.

Of course I was confused and eventually I wasted 2 good years at home doing menial jobs. My family today regrets the fact that they discouraged me. These life experiences have caused me to be zealous about the young minds out there. If you believe in a course, pursue it with all your being and never let anyone weigh you down.

What to do when Family, Friends and others discourage you.

1) Refuse to be inferior
You know what? People want you to feel inferior and talk inferior. But that is not the ideal way to go about it. See yourself as a superior being, talk as a King whom you are. Act as one who has made it to the top and never mind the circumstances surrounding you. Rise as fast you can and stand on your feet. Look straight into the eyes of those who people and declare faith filled words to them. Tell them that: you can make it.

2) Every Person is dependent on God
When you understand this concept of been dependent on God, your whole life experience would change dramatically. No one has a hand in your destiny because they weren’t there when it was delivered to you. Your destiny was purposed by a supernatural force that is invisible, invincible and yet powerful. He is the only one who has a hand on your life. Learn to conceal your thought, plans, ideas and motives and you will be on your way to the top. This is the major secret of the influential men and women around the world. They will never tell you how they achieve lasting success. They can show you the way to it but not how.

3) You are being trained to reign
Every person that God puts on your way is a proper preparation for the future that only he (God) can see. Do not count them as enemies but be careful with them. Through much observation and communication, you would discover who your real friend is and who the foe is. To reign as a King in your world, you must be trained to be one. What ever situation that stands between you and the next level is a proper ladder to a greater height. Even as you endeavor to conceal your plans and ideas and only reveal them when it is appropriate, then the people around you would be forced to dance to your rhythm.

"Keep people off-balance and in the dark by never revealing the purpose behind your actions. If they have no clue what you are up to, they cannot prepare a defense. Guide them far enough down the wrong path, envelope them in enough smoke, and by the time they realize your intentions, it will be too late."

See you at the top.
Make money as you conceal your intentions
You too can make money in a free way

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