sábado, 7 de agosto de 2010

Karen Kelly

What are these Universal Laws ? You can think of these laws as "spiritual laws" or "energy laws" because everything in the universe is comprised of energy. These laws are in affect whether you are aware of them or not. Just like the law of gravity -- you may not understand it but that does not change the effect it can have if you jump off of a building, you WILL still hit the ground. The same holds true for these Laws of the Universe and once you understand them you can have more control over what it is that you are experiencing in your life each and every day.

How can YOU use these "Laws" to CHANGE YOUR LIFE ? Understanding and properly using these laws can give you anything you want. There are many laws in the Universe but let's look at the three most important ones that can directly affect your future.
The Law of Attraction, The Law of Deliberate Creation, and the Law of Allowing. To read more....

Special announcements!!

Dr. Robert Anthony, creator of The Secret of Deliberate Creation, is looking for 500 people to test his brand new Zero Resistance Weight Release Program By the way, Dr. Robert Anthony is the acknowledged NUMBER ONE inspiration behind Rhonda Byrne’s "The Secret" (as noted on page xv of the book, "The Secret").

Dr. Anthony is also discounting his Deliberate Creation Self-Hypnosis which I found to be so very simple compared to most hypnosis. Check it out here.

Check out Ken MacLean's latest flash movie This Vibrational Universe Very informative and it's free

Can manifesting really be as simple as just maintaining good feelings? I'd like to think so. Check this out

Bob Doyle from the Secret movie shares The Truth about the Law of Attraction

Here is the first 20 minutes of "The Secret" that you can watch for FREE.

Karen Kelley website owner and developerHi,
My name is Karen Kelley, web site owner and developer.
I am having an absolute ball with this web site because I finally have a place to share all the wonderful information that I have enjoyed for so long. I am probably like you in the fact that I am always looking for new information sources on the internet. When I find one of interest (for me that's manifesting, law of attraction, or basically anything metaphysical) I bookmark it and go back often to see what's new. That's what my purpose is with this web site: provide you with the wonderful stuff I have found helpful-- great articles, free classes, links to other really good stuff that's all related to Law of Attraction, manifesting, etc. As I find new stuff, and I do constantly, I will update the web site so that you can enjoy them as well. Wishing you love, peace, joy, and prosperity.

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